Corporate Responsibility

The management of the Siat Group is committed to its highest level, policies and commitments applicable to all subsidiaries and annual reports can be found on the Siat Group website 
by clicking HERE

Social commitment
Social commitment

The company, guided by its Host Community Policy, continues with several community development projects as a practical demonstration of the spirit of partnership with and goodwill towards the people in the host communities.


Environmental commitment
Environmental commitment

Presco believes strongly in sustainable production based on the reduce/reuse/recycle principle. All the organic waste from the mill are used in the plantation as natural soil enhancer helping to minimise the use of fertilizers, or as bio-fuel for the boiler to produce green energy with the turbines. 


Complaints, Comments & Suggestions
Complaints, Comments & Suggestions

We value your comments, please feel free to use the questionnaire below to send us any suggestion, complaint or grievance. All questionnaires will be treated promptly and we will revert back to you if you request it.

OBARETIN HOUSING 2.jpg OLOGBO 12.jpg OBARETIN 1.jpg OBARETIN 8.jpg OBARETIN TRUCKS.jpg OLOGBO 1.jpg OLOGBO 15.jpg OLOGBO 10.jpg OLOGBO 17.jpg OLOGBO 24.jpg OLOGBO 14.jpg OLOGBO 20.jpg OLOGBO NDPC 2.jpg OLOGBO 9.jpg SAKPONBA 6.jpg UBIMA WORKSHOP.jpg SAKPONBA NURSERY 2.jpg SAKPONBA 7.jpg PRESCO MILL.jpg UBIMA HOUSING.jpg UBIMA MILL.jpg UBIMA NURSERY.jpg _A222740(1).jpg Ticket---def(1).jpg _A222734.jpg _A263538.jpg _A263798.jpg _A295529(1).jpg Handen-met-palmnoten.jpg _A253246.jpg