Company profile

Presco is a public limited liability company incorporated on September 24, 1991 under Nigerian law. Its corporate head office is at the company's Obaretin Estate near Benin City. 

Presco holds the Obaretin Estate (a concession of 6,387 hectares), the Ologbo Estate (a concession of 13,545 hectares), both located in Edo State, and the Cowan Estate, a concession of 2,800 hectares in Delta State. A new concession called Ato Estate also in Edo State of 16,797 hectares.

Presco today consists of :

  • Oil palm plantations of 26,459 hectares of which 22,658 are mature
  • A palm oil mill with a capacity of 90 tonnes fresh fruit bunches/hour
  • A refinery plant with a capacity of 500 tonnes/day
  • A refinery fractionation plant with a capacity of 500 tonnes/day
  • A palm kernel crushing plant with a capacity of 350 tonnes/day

Presco has in its employment 9,078 people: 1,054 are permanent staff and 8,024 are contract workers as at January,  2024.

Presco is a subsidiary of Siat s.a., a Belgian agro-industrial company specialized in industrial as well as smallholder plantations of tree crops, mainly oil palm and rubber, and allied processing industries such as palm oil mills, palm oil refining / fractionation, soap making and crumb rubber factories. Siat diversified its activities into cattle ranching. Siat has as its shareholders agronomists and economists with experience in the development of agro-industrial ventures in the tropics. (

Besides Presco, Siat has a major stake in the Ghana Oil Palm Development Company (GOPDC) in Ghana (, Siat Gabon ( in Gabon and Compagnie Heveicole de Cavally in Ivory Coast.


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